Eclipse perspective

Like millions of people around the world, I was prepared to see the eclipse.
My friend, Patricia, had given me a pair of the special glasses that would allow us to see the eclipse, but not go blind.
I used them for a split second, but the trees blocked the view.
I was more interested in the light and shadows dancing around on Randy and Fab’s deck.
Randy was out working on a shoot, and I was alone in the house, working in the office.
And when I stepped outside, I wasn’t sure what to expect.
The universal shift was eerie, almost like the calm before an Oklahoma tornado.
As darkness covered the land, the critters started making their night noises.
And I heard a collective “Wow!” from the crowd who had gathered at a nearby park.
The air felt heavy, as if the humidity had increased to 150%, and I was wearing it like a blanket.
Less than a minute after it started, the sun was shining brightly through the trees again.
And as it was all happening, I was shooting pictures of the mosaic art on the deck.
What a fascinating experience!
